Custom appreciation plaque
Exclusive premier sponsor insert of your company name/logo in all concert programs
Special recognition at the community March-a-thon reveal
Promotional emails sent to Rouse Band parent community
Exclusive premier sponsor placement of your company name/logo displayed on the Rouse Band trailer for one school year
Recognition at ALL band parent booster meetings and concerts
Halftime announcement of your company at football games
Your company name/logo displayed prominently on the March-a-thon t-shirt
Prominent display of your company name/logo and a link to your website on the Rouse Band website
Multiple social media mentions throughout the current school year
Your company name/logo will occupy 1/2 of a page in the band yearbook at the end of the school year
Appreciation photo of the Rouse Band
Special recognition at the community March-a-thon reveal
Promotional emails sent to Rouse Band parent community
Premium placement of your company name/logo displayed on the Rouse Band trailer for one school year
Recognition at THREE band parent booster meetings and concerts
Halftime announcement of your company at football games
Your company name/logo displayed prominently on the March-a-thon t-shirt
Prominent display of your company name/logo and a link to your website on the Rouse Band website
Multiple social media mentions throughout the current school year
Your company name/logo will occupy 1/4 of a page in the band yearbook at the end of the school year
Appreciation photo of the Rouse Band
Recognition at TWO band parent booster meetings and concerts
Halftime announcement of your company at football games
Your company name/logo displayed prominently on the March-a-thon t-shirt
Prominent display of your company name/logo and a link to your website on the Rouse Band website
Your company name/logo displayed in our concert programs
Your company name/logo will occupy 1/8 of a page in the band yearbook at the end of the school year
Appreciation photo of the Rouse Band
Your company name displayed prominently on the March-a-thon t-shirt
Prominent display of your company name/logo and a link to your website on the Rouse Band website
Your company name displayed in our concert programs
Your company name will be listed in the band yearbook at the end of the school year
Appreciation photo of the Rouse Band
We welcome all types of in-kind donations. Some of the things our band needs that you can donate are:
Bottled Water
Fresh fruit for summer band "Fruity Fridays"
Pre-packaged snacks such as granola bars, pretzels, fruit snacks, etc.
Contact us at sponsorships@rouseband.org for more information on how to participate as an In-Kind Sponsorship Donor.